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Last Updated on September 11, 2022
Universal Yums Review of the Best Snacks in the World
Skip all the hoopla and reading and cut to the chase —
Join Universal Yums NOW to get the best snacks in the world by clicking the box below.
How to find the best snacks around world
When you are stuck at home and yearning for travel, a great way to satisfy your Wanderlust is through food! Snacking around the world is a great activity, an interesting way to learn about what people like to eat in different countries, and a nice family activity to bond over.

We found Universal Yums, a company that travels in search of the best snacks in the world and delivers them to your front door every month. They find the snacks and candies that are difficult and often impossible to find in other parts of the world so that we can experience the unique flavors and textures for ourselves.

Is Universal Yums worth it?
If you want new experiences, new flavors, and lots of fun, then this is for you. It is a great party game and fun for large groups. We chose to gather our large family of 8 around the table and participate in the ‘Tasting Experience’ all together while we laughed alongside each other.

It is a great gift! You can also get this experience as a gift for a friend so that they travel to foreign lands through their taste buds too.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, it is educational. There is a guidebook included with every box that describes the customs and food of the country so that you can immerse yourself in that national culture. It is a great learning experience for the kids! They also include a scorecard so that you can give each yummy snack a rating.

Vacation around the world with snacks: How it works
As a quick overview, Universal Yums is a subscription snack service that sends out a box of the best snacks from a different country each month. This way, you can travel around the world right from your dining room table as you are snacking on the best international snacks from around the world.
Our Virtual Trip to Thailand with Universal Yums to discover the best snacks in the world.

Thailand is located in southeast Asia and became a unified kingdom in the middle of the 14th century. Typical Thai dishes are made with coconut milk, shrimp paste, garlic, chili peppers, lemon grass, and lime leaves, so we expected our snacks to have those flavorings.
Snacking Party with Universal Yums
Our party of 8 was filled with all ages, backgrounds, and taste preferences so there was sure to be something for everyone in this box. We emptied our Yum box, surveyed our snacks, and wondered what kind of tasty delights we were in for. No one had been to Thailand or tasted any Thai food so it would be a new experience for us all.
We had a box of 12 snacks from Thailand. There were enough snacks in each bag for all 8 of us except for the candies. There were 4 of each type of candy, so we split them up.

The Blind Taste Test
We decided to do the taste test and THEN read about the snack in the guidebook. There are helpful tips in the book about each snack, but we wanted to do a blind taste test. It was definitely more fun this way.
I suggest having an extra snack tray on hand as well as some bottled water…just in case. We chose to subdue our palates at times with a prepared cheese and crackers tray. Yes, it was occasionally needed.

We snacked in numerical order, ranked our taste, and then listened eagerly to what we had just eaten. The rank was a smiley scale so that we could choose out of three levels.

Our quest to find the best snack….in Thailand.
We started out with the Fried Shrimp Mayo Seaweed Roll. We definitely couldn’t identify what we were eating, but everyone said ‘oh, right!’ after we read its seaweed description. The guidebook pokes fun at the fact that we didn’t wake up this morning thinking we would eat a potato stick wrapped in seaweed and that was definitely true!

The next treat was the cutest piece of candy ever! Shaped like a heart, Hartbeat Pineapple definitely got points for being so darn adorable and some of us enjoyed the salt center when we got to it.

The next little green candy won the award for the best snack in our tasting party of 8. Afterward, we looked on the Universal Yums website, and it didn’t win nationally. Maybe our tastebuds are sweeter than the rest of the world’s population!
This was a Hartbeat Lime Gummy. It was salty and sweet at the same time and claims to transport you to the summery beaches of Thailand. It was a cool 60 degrees at our campsite, so our Thailand beach was quite breezy!

Next up was the Sticky Rice with Coconut Cream and Mango treat which won our award for the worst yum. Since we didn’t read about it before we tried it, we didn’t warm it up and the rice quite resembled brains and no one enjoyed it! Rice is eaten with every meal in Thailand, but we didn’t enjoy it in this dessert treat.

There were two different chips packages in our snack box: Tasto Sweet & Spicy and Salt & Sour Chips. Most of us enjoyed both of the chips, which seemed quite ordinary compared to what we had been sampling.

The next snack was the highlight of the whole night. I didn’t hide the bag from the party and it said DEVIL right on it in big letters. AND it was even in English! We should have known!

The Devil chips are flavored with Thai chili peppers with added dried peppers also in the bag. These little peppers are 15 times hotter than jalapenos and some of us sure did feel the heat! Those that didn’t have a bottle of water prepared, went running for the sink! BUT then there was our friend from Spain that couldn’t figure out what all the fuss was about!
After our mouth was on fire, we followed it up with a salted caramel coconut chip and that seemed to put out the flames.

We had an all-around blast with this box of Yums and enjoyed our virtual trip to Thailand. Everyone found a snack that they enjoyed…. and then there were the ones that we could have lived without. It was fun watching everyone try new treats and learn about snacks in Thailand.

Overall Review of Universal Yums
Good Information to Know for the Best Snacks Around the World
There is a large variety in each box. They range from cookies, to chips, to candies and other snacks. Although you can’t purchase a box from a previous month and country, they do have the leftover snacks available at the Yum Store.
The snacks are from a new country each month and they try to vary it all around the world. We did enjoy our virtual trip to Thailand, especially since none of us have been there. Universal Yums polls their subscribers for future destinations.
The interactive guide book is very informative with facts, trivia, recipes, and culture. You can definitely learn a lot about the country on your virtual trip as well as keep entertained with all the activities in the book.
There are 3 sizes of Yum boxes to choose from. Although they can’t customize for allergies or special diets, you can decide which size box you would like according to how many treats you want to enjoy each month.

There is the YUM box with 5-7 treats, the YUM YUM box with 10 – 12 treats, or the mega indulging SUPER YUM box with 18 – 20 treats that will surely entertain you for hours.
The last important fact is that there is free shipping for subscription boxes in the continental US. Those that are outside of the US can also play since they also ship to Canada, Australia, UK, and Israel with plans to expand this even further.
And now for the moment you have been waiting for…..
How to join Universal Yums
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For more exciting virtual food travel:

Reading through your experience with your family was so much fun! I definitely have to try this with my family. The snacks and candies look so tempting. And filming your experience is the best part. Thanks for sharing xxx
Haha, the Universal Yums sounds like a great way to have fun with friends and family. Thanks for sharing, I’ve never heard of it before.