Top 5 All-Around Niagara Falls Canada Wineries
Here is a collaborative list and Niagara Falls winery guide for the top Niagara Falls Canada wineries to visit on your next trip to the Falls.
Empty-Nest Travel Adventures
Tips and advice about vacations and travel to Canada.
Here is a collaborative list and Niagara Falls winery guide for the top Niagara Falls Canada wineries to visit on your next trip to the Falls.
Learn important guidelines about crossing the border into Canada from the US, including document requirements. You will need a passport, so learn how to get one.
Enjoy the FREE Winter Festival of Lights in Niagara Falls Canada which is now Canada’s biggest and brightest lighting display with nearly 1 million visits a year. This event celebrates the holiday season from November until January and is sponsored by the Ontario Power Generation.
There are lots of sites to see when visiting Niagara Falls in the winter. Let me show you all the things to do in Niagara Falls Canada in the winter – even in the cold snowy weather!